Having a comprehensive understanding of its procedural value, we should establish the system of lawsuit against the execution scientifically and reasonably to protect the debtor or the third party's substantive rights. 在对执行救济制度的程序价值全面认识之后,应科学合理地构建我国的民事执行异议之诉制度,对债务人或第三人的实体权利给予全面的保护。
In general guaranty, the creditor must accomplish the previous procedure at first, which includes the litigation or arbitration against the debtor and the forcible execution of the debtor's wealth that cannot fulfill the creditor's rights. 一般保证中,债权人还要先就债务人起诉或申请仲裁,并就债务人的财产强制执行仍不能满足债权。
Bankruptcy legal system develops from special execution proceedings to legal relief of insolvent debtor by both substantial law and procedural law. 破产制度己从强制债务人破产清算的特别执行程序,演进为对不能清偿的债务人的一种实体上和程序上的法律救济。